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Memorial "Forever Living"

Меморіал «Вічно живим», проспект Свободи, Кременчук, Полтавська область, Україна

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The "Forever Living" memorial is a memorial in Kremenchuk, erected for the 30th anniversary of the city's liberation from German occupation.


During the Second World War, the place where the memorial is now located was the largest of the nine concentration camps in the city

On September 28, 1973, to the 30th anniversary of the city's liberation, the "Forever Living" memorial was solemnly opened near the "KrAZ" Palace of Culture.


The basis of the memorial is a sculptural group tinted with silver metal, mounted on a stepped pedestal made of red granite (16.5 × 6.0 × 1.5 m). The Eternal Flame burns near the pedestal. Behind the sculptural composition is a concrete stele with the inscription "Eternally Living", lined with red granite tiles (40.0 × 10.5 × 11 m).

The sculptural group compositionally consists of seven figures (height 6.5 m) - five male, one female and one child. The figure of a doctor-prisoner of war with a proudly raised head is central. He supports his exhausted comrade and seems to say: "I die, but I don't give up!".

Меморіал «Вічно живим», проспект Свободи, Кременчук, Полтавська область, Україна

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